Books I Own That Still Have Not Been Read

I may or may not have become increasingly ashamed with myself by writing this post.

I have been in denial for FAR TOO LONG about just how many books I have bought (impulse buy, cover desires, etc.) but still have not been bothered to read yet, BUT NO MORE.

Here are some of the books that I own, but still haven’t read…



I’ve talked about this in a past Top Ten Tuesday post.

I bought this book due to all the reviews of people gushing over its greatness, but I have since stumbled upon some less than complimentary opinions on it. It has since made me very wary to read it since I’m no longer sure if it will be something I’ll enjoy – love triangle and info-dumping.

Plus to have to sit and read all my fellow bloggers salivating over Sarah J. Maas in a god-like way would be difficult if I found I didn’t enjoy the book…




My boyfriend gave me his copy on loan years ago and I have still not picked it up (I’m sorry, Ryan. I am the literal worst!). It just seems so intimidating!








Yes, I bought this book solely for that gorgeous cover it has. Let’s not pretend that we don’t all judge books by their covers because we do! I’m not one to read a Western, but this particular book has so many great reviews that I am looking forward to cracking it open. Just after I’ve read everything else first…






Oh my gosh, am I terrible Tolkien fan or what?! I still have not read this. I’ve heard that it is incredibly slow-going with all the oodles and oodles of information that Tolkien put into it and I am just such a slow reader as it is I’m afraid that I’ll end up not liking it and I just want to love everything Tolkien writes???? I’m so conflicted!! Emoji Pngs (9)






I found this at Barnes and Noble a few months back and it was written by former professor (he was my favorite!) so I just had to grab it, but I still have not read it. Mainly because I forgot quite a bit of what I used to know concerning Ancient Greece (I AM A TERRIBLE STUDENT) so I want to refresh myself on the basics before I dive into this, but clearly I have yet to do this. Hence it still sits on my shelf…

In summary, I am awful. Just plain awful. Why are you still letting me buy more books when I haven’t touched these yet??!!

Are you just as awful as I am with books that have been sitting on your shelf for months (perhaps years)?

Which of these books should I get off my lazy bum and read already?


Fare thee well!



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36 thoughts on “Books I Own That Still Have Not Been Read

  1. Probably good not to waste your time on Throne of Glass. I hated ot. I couldn’t even get through the first book because it’s very much a generic YA Fantasy.

    Even if you like the first book, the series goes downhill from there. My friends who loved the first book ended up hating the series towards the end.


  2. Oh my goodness your blog is adorable!! 😻 Any cat lover is a friend of mine, haha!

    I’ve read Throne of Glass and the sequel and I pretty much gushed over it for a while, but have yet to read the third. I’ve gotten kind of spoiled for some things and my ship supposedly doesn’t sail so I’m holding off for a while. Her writing isn’t the greatest but the story is!

    Vengeance Road!! I’ve heard wonderful things about this one. I haven’t read it yet myself, but it sounds like something different and fun.

    So glad I found your blog! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yay!! Cats are life!

      I think Throne of Glass is coming across as the most mixed reviews book ever. I definitely want to read it at some point so I can form my own conclusions, but I can no longer say I’m all that excited about reading it??? Which is why I’m also holding off on reading it.


  3. GIRL, I do this ALL THE TIME with library books. I tell myself I’m going to read them, and then I proceed to *forget* about them, and then they get overdue… and ughhhhhhh. it’s just a never-ending, vicious cycle of me being an airhead. :’)

    Anyways, I recommend giving ToG a try, or at least taking a peek at the first few chapters!! Lots of readers have loved it, and lots of readers have hated it. And yeeepp, Sarah J. Maas is basically a household name in YA now. Her books get all the hype. She’s taking over the world, I swear.

    But overall, I guess it all just depends on your individual preferences?? I tore through ToG when I was relatively new to YA, so that might have affected my enjoyment– you should never trust the ratings of fetus me, tbh.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, I am so sorry but somehow your comment made its way into my spam folder and I’m just now seeing this! I do plan on reading Throne of Glass at some point so I haven’t given up on it entirely! And this is definitely the first time I heard that she wrote the first book when she only 16, which is crazy impressive! Reminds me of S.E. Hinton, the author of The Outsiders!


  4. Hahaha Vengeance Road has been on my shelf for about a year now 😂 I hope to finally read it soon though! I’ve read a lot of positive reviews so I don’t really know what’s stopping me.
    I loved the first two Throne of Glass books (though they have their problems), but I found the series got worse with each book so I’m not sure I’d recommend it. Butttt there are a lot of people who still love it, so maybe you’ll be one of them 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I gave into the hype for Throne of Glass last year, but unfortunately, it didn’t live up my expectations. I think it was just me and my preferences, but it really disappointed me and I wasn’t a fan.😕

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Out of all of these, I’ve only read Throne of Glass! After reading all the books in the series (except Empire of Storms oops), Throne of Glass is definitely the weakest! I loved every single book after that one, though, and I can’t really choose a favorite. 😂 I have a bunch of 2016 releases I bought with Christmas money, and they’re still sitting on my shelf, so don’t feel bad!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I keep hearing that the series doesn’t pick up until the 2nd or 3rd book and that’s so disappointing to hear! But at least it doesn’t get crappy by the end. I hate when a series’ last book falls below my expectations.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I’ll be honest with Throne of Glass: I like the series, but the first two books are fairly mediocre. The story gets more interesting and original once you get to the third one. The first to are necessary set-up though. I think Maas is a good writer–especially when it comes to hiding little details in the beginning that end up being majorly important–but I wouldn’t say she’s a YA God(dess). I love her world, but there are some decisions and books that I’m not a fan of. There’s also some good fanfiction in the fandom. I’d say it’s worth a read, but don’t fear having a different opinion than the masses. Sure, you’ll ruffle some feathers, but who cares?

    Liked by 1 person

      • Well, I wouldn’t say the first two are bad, just average YA. Later on they feel almost like prequels to me. Necessary to understand the world and plot, but not as intense as the later books.

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  8. Omg I just posted a really similar post (I’ve finally accepted the fact I’m a little bit of a book hoarder haha!). You should definitely read Throne of Glass, it’s a really great book – I haven’t read the rest of the series, but I definitely want to at some point!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I was curious about all the hype surrounding the Throne of Glass series, but unfortunately I’m one of those people who were less than impressed with it. The range of opinions surrounding it are wild. I wish I liked it, because the people who do are super passionate about it!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I am terrible. I hoard books like there’s a giant storm coming and I am going to be in the dark. I have so many popular books I bought years ago that I intended to read and just haven’t. Cheif among them is Cinder by Marisa Meyer and I also have recommendations from long ago too.


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