July Wrap Up

This month I struggled through a book slump, which made me have a blogging slump too. I really relied on posts that I was tagged in to get me through so I apologize for the lack of original content, but thank you so much to everyone who tagged me in something. Without you, this blog would have been a wasteland.


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Again, I had another failure of a reading month. It literally took me a full month to finish Anne of Green Gables, which is really crappy since it’s actually a quick read (very charming and cute!), but I honestly was in the mood for a thriller the whole time I was reading this and so I only read 1 or 2 chapters a night, which made for very slow going.

As soon as I was finished I finally had my opportunity to read my thriller, which I finished in a week. It was fab. Possible review to come??? No promises.

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Well, that shows how little I’ve kept up with the blogging world in July. #Isuck

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I’m afraid I didn’t do any blog hopping this month. If you have any blog recommendations, please comment them down below – or send me a tweet!

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None. Emoji Pngs (9)

Since reading Anne of Green Gables took so long, I didn’t want to spend any more time writing a review for it. (Also, I tried watching the Netflix show based on the book but I couldn’t get past 10 minutes of it because the actress is really monotone?? No idea what that’s about, but not at all how I pictured Anne to speak.)


The Liebster Award •  Ultimate Harry Potter Tag • The Candy Book Tag • Fierce Fangirl Friday


July Book Haul


Who is Our Audience? •  How To Overcome a Reading Slump?


June Wrap Up • Top Ten Nonfiction Books On My TBR Strong Female Characters • Favorite Series •  Top Ten Contemporary Books On My TBR

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First I just have to mention that this month I paid off one of my student loans that had the highest interest rate and I couldn’t be happier! Two more to go and I’ll be debt free…

Hans Zimmer Tour

Ryan and I got to see the Hans Zimmer Tour. It was simply incredible. The lead violinists were so badass – they choreographed their dance moves together – including hair flips, which I really loved. I couldn’t keep my eyes off them through the whole show and now I’m following them on Instagram lol.

Unfortunately, we were surrounded by some very rude people though. The group behind us talked very loudly much too frequently and two girls sitting next to Ryan were on their phones literally the whole time. But we didn’t let that distract us by the amazing talent that was being showcased before us. We both came away with cool t-shirts to remember it by. Also, my good friend Natasha went as well and we got to chat with her for a little bit after the show, which was so nice!

Here’s a quick peek at the Wonder Woman theme!

Lion King

I finally got to see Lion King, the musical, with my sister and my brother-in-law. It was the bomb DOT com! I straight up squealed every time the animals walked down the aisle (I was only 5 seats away!) and the giraffes were THE. COOLEST. THING. EVER! And I wasn’t too far away from the stage either so I was always able to see everything okay:


And you guessed it, I got a t-shirt afterward for the ~memories!~

Safe to say, I downloaded the Broadway album the next night and have been jamming to it ever since.


So, there you have it! July wasn’t the most productive month in terms of reading and blogging, but I accomplished some things in other aspects of my life so it wasn’t too terrible.

Hope you all had a great July as well!

(Also, please actually do give me some blog recommendations because I need to get my blogging game back on track!)



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9 thoughts on “July Wrap Up

  1. I had a reading slump a couple of weeks ago and it instantly led to a blogging slump :/ I even forgot how to review books for a while 😂 Take it easy and don’t force yourself to read or blog, once you start missing books you’ll get back on track right away and forget it ever happened 💘 Good luck, dear 💘

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Too bad of your reading slump! It always takes an amazing book for me to get rid of those – and it’s hard even starting a book, let alone pick the right one to pull me out of it. Totally get your pain on that part!

    I’m so looking forward to reading Warcross! I’ve heard people say that they don’t like the cover all that much but I really like it. It’s what made me read the blurb in the first place, haha.

    Happy reading!
    Hope you get rid of that reading slump soon. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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