Top Ten Tuesday: Series I’ve Been Meaning To Start But Haven’t

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where we list our top tens!


I have way more than ten because series scare me sometimes, but let’s get to it!!!



I really enjoyed the Percy Jackson series and this is a continuation of this amazing world by Rick Riordan. It’s been on my TBR for months, but I still haven’t bought it yet…

Series are intimidating, OK?!

RCI haven’t seen a single bad review about this book or series. I fully intend to pick them up, but… ahhh I don’t know! Everything requires time and money and that’s just asking for a lot.


Practically every book blogger I’ve encountered have read these books and are huge fangirls of them. I own Throne of Glass, but it’s still sitting on my shelf, actively collecting dust.

So what’s with the reluctance?

Well, my sister read it and came away with a so-so feeling about an interesting plot, but heavily focused teenage romance and now I’ve become reluctant to read it with the fear that I find I absolutely hate it and then have to try and immerse myself in the blogosphere and its orgasmic hype for this series??? I just… can’t. I’m so scared, guys!! Emoji Pngs (9)


Well, I enjoyed the Lily Collins movie for the sole reason of being a fan of the charming, lovely Lily Collins. The movie made me want to pick up the books, but I have since read mixed reviews and now I’m just not so sure if I’d end up enjoying them.


Everyone and their mom has been salivating over this duology. I can’t wait to get my hands on it, but I want to get the box set which is just slightly over 20 bucks on Amazon. But then when I buy the box set I am practically required to read two books back to back and I just don’t know if I’m ready for that type of commitment!!


This is a continuation of The Mortal Instruments universe and I’ve heard it’s loads better than the original. I’ve also heard mixed opinions on whether you should read TMI first or not. If I have to read TMI first then that’s just a crap ton of books, aka an overwhelming amount of time and money.


I remember I borrowed this from the library years ago (and I’m talking years. Like… high school years) but I could never be bothered to read it. My sister ended up reading it and enjoyed it and yet I. STILL. NEVER. READ. IT.

In summary, I suck.


I saw Divergent on TV a couple years back and by how much I enjoyed the film, I really wanted to pick up this series. Since then I’ve heard so many unpopular opinions about these books that, frankly, I’d feel I would be wasting my time if I picked these up.


I keep hearing how awesome this series is and everyone (aka the bloggers I follow) are always listing it as an all-time favorite series. But there are four books in the series and four books is just a lot, ok???


I actually hadn’t heard anything about this series until I bought it for my sister as a Christmas present this past holiday. Sounded really good, but I have yet to ask her what she thought of it… I am a lazy poop.

To sum up this post, how dare I call myself a fan of YA fantasy when I haven’t read these?!

You’re probably thinking…


I am the LITERAL worst.

Have you read any of these?

What are your opinions?

Which series have you been putting off?


By the way, I’m skipping next week’s TTT because I kind-of sort-of already did it in my Reading Goal Progress post and also I will be sharing a post very similar to next week’s topic SOON!

Talk to ya later!



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NOTE: All gifs shown were created by me, but feel free to use wherever (just don’t claim as your own)!

22 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Series I’ve Been Meaning To Start But Haven’t

  1. Soooo many of these are on my TBR as well! I still need to read Six of Crows it’s been like TWO YEARS now and I still haven’t read it?????? Shame on me XD and please read the Legend series ohmigosh it’s one of my all time favourites!!!!!!!! 😍😍

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve actually read most of these! The Heroes of Olympus, Raven Cycle and Throne of Glass are all great. Divergent is only so-so, I’ve read better dystopias if I’m honest. I’ve only read the first book in each of The Lunar Chronicles and Graceling series, and wasn’t keen on either, though I will be continuing with TLC, but not with Graceling. I’m hoping to read Six of Crows this summer!
    My TTT:

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh gosh! TOG! You should read it! But the thing to remember with Maas is that she is a sequel author. Someone could sit in front of you talking about book 5 and you not even know it. TOG is a set up novel and it takes off much more in book 2. While book 1 may not be your favorite I would say keep going. The story dives so much deeper.

    I read Cinder last year felt eh about it. But I read on a T10T post the Scarlett is set in Paris and I’ve been obsessed with Paris lately…so that may have moved up my TBR!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah that’s also one of the reasons I’ve been so reluctant to pick it up. A long series is daunting to start. Especially because it could have a really crappy ending or something. You’re having to put a lot of trust in the author to keep true to the characters and all that jazz, but of course I want to form my own opinions on TOG so I do intend to pick it up… just maybe after some of the hype has died down a bit? That way if I end up thinking it was pretty “meh” then I won’t be annoyed by everyone raving about it hahaha but that’s just my thought process 😛

      Thank you so much for your comment by the way ❤ ❤ ❤

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  4. This post is very relatable for me, because a) I’ve read half of these series and loved them and b) the other half are on my TBR. Heroes of Olympus was good, but not *that* good – it wasn’t what I was expecting. I’d even go as far as to say that it was boring at times. The Raven Cycle was awesome, and I loved it – I really liked the Six of Crows and The Lunar Chronicles, as well. TMI, Divergent, TID – they were all kinda meh. I agree with what you said about series taking lots of money – usually I just read my books online for free or buy them on the kindle (where it’s cheaper).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh no! I’m sorry to hear you say Heroes of Olympus was boring. I really enjoyed the Percy Jackson series a lot and was hoping it would be as fun as that was. And yea I’ve also heard that TMI, Divergent, and TID are just ok.

      I still can’t wait to read Raven Cycle, Six of Crows and The Lunar Chronicles. I’ve heard nothing but good things about them!

      Thank you for your comment!! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh lovely post, Bridget! 🙂 I love both The Lunar Chronicles and The Raven Boys, they are among my favorite series so I can only hope you’ll want to read them soon 😀

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