Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Things On My Reading Wishlist

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where we list our top tens!


  1. I desire to have another author that can create a fantastical world so vast and with so much enthusiasm they can create a believable history and have so much dedication to their story that they can create an entire language a.k.a another J.R.R. Tolkien. Is this too much to ask? Emoji Pngs (4)
  2. I want a historical fiction novel set in a place and time that Americans aren’t normally exposed to. Teach me something new.
  3. I would like to have a fantasy novel that is set in modern times, where a character discovers a magical realm one day that is a host to all sorts of magical creatures (elves, sorcerers, you name it) and it is their own secret place they can go to. This sounds strongly like The Chronicles of Narnia… can I get another series like it?
  4.  Travel books: backpacking through Europe or Asia or South America? Would be cool to read about!
  5. Can I get a book where the main character is a violinist?
  6. A YA novel where the main character is in their early twenties like moi! Emoji Pngs (3)
  7. It would be really cool to get a fantasy novel that is based on Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s concept of inhumans.
  8. A murder mystery that is set in Ancient Rome.
  9. A main character that is chubby/fat/overweight and is CONFIDENT.
  10. And last, but definitely not least – Boarding schools: a bit like Hogwarts where fantastical things happen.

What do you wish to see most in a novel?


I’m going to go ahead and let you know I will be skipping next week’s topic because I don’t want my entire blog to just be Top Ten Tuesday posts! Emoji Pngs (4)



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15 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Things On My Reading Wishlist

  1. Have you read This Savage Song?! IT has a violinist boy in it and IT’S ALSO THE BEST BOOK EVER.😍


  2. Wouldn’t a 20-year-old charrie in YA make it adult fiction??? XD And whoops, haven’t read LOTR yet… *hides* 🙈 And omgggg YAS. I WANT MORE BOARDING SCHOOL BOOKS (that are preferably fantasy lol). The Raven Cycle is obviously a good one, but I don’t know any others??? (Except for HP of course. 😛 )


  3. I had historical fiction set in Asia, because I’ve read so many WW2 books set in Germany, France, UK and the US, that I need something completely different! I recently read The Seige by Helen Dunmore, which was set in Stalin’s USSR, but I’d like to try out something set in China, or Malaysia or something like that!


  4. I loooove the violin! Yes to violinists in books. (Makes me think of my precious Jem from The Infernal Devices!) I’d also love to read about a character backpacking through Europe! It’s something I’ve always wanted to do. Great list!


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